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Secret Teachings of All Ages 1.0
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The Secret Teachings of All Ages: Manly P HallThis is one of the most important books on esoteric thought andthe diversity of religious traditions ever published. Not only isit extremely well written, also included are many other graphics,drawings, engravings and paintings that tell the secret story ofhumanity.This is an excellent text for anyone interested in Esotericteachings from ancient times onward.A fantastic reference book for anyone who has an interest in thewestern esoteric tradition. It covers a broad range of topicsrelated to Western Esoterica, such as:- Alchemy- Qabbalah- Rosicrucianism- Mystery schools- Symbolism of plants and animalsTo name but a few.If you are new to the field of esoterica and you want a veryclear and concise introduction (with excellent pictures) then thisreally is the place to start. Manly Hall has done an excellent jobof putting together this compendium of information, and it isimpossible to find so much information about this subject in theone book anywhere else.While the book covers wide range of topics, it essentiallyfollows the path of Western esoteric traditions - all the way backfrom Egypt and Greece, through the famous European alchemists (St.Germain and Nicholas Flammel), and onward to Rosicrucians - as canbe expected from the title, but it briefly touches upon symbolismfrom Islam and Amrican Indian symbolism.This is a masterpiece of esoteric literature, one that you'llnever part with. Truly a must have volume that belongs in thelibrary of every Freemason, Kabbalist, or Rosicrucian. The titlesays it all. You'll spend hours upon hours in reflection andenthralled at the details of the text and illustrations.THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES. AN ENCYCLOPEDIC OUTLINE OFMASONIC, HERMETIC, QABBALISTIC AND ROSICRUCIAN SYMBOLICALPHILOSOPHY Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachingsconcealed within the Rituals, Allegories, and Mysteries of all AgesBy Manly P. Hall.***IMPORTANT ***No ads = No use of your internet bandwith after download!Cheaper than free. "Free" actually costs more due to the ads!App Features:1. Day/Night mode- Day (black on white), Night (white on black)2. Change font colour3. Change font size4. Change Text padding5. Auto bookmarks the last read position6. Move to previous and next chapter7. Bookmarks last read position in each chapter and book8. Screen capture9. Options menu10. Clickable table of contents11. Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)EXCLUSIVE FEATURES:1. App for Phones AND Tablets2. SD Card Support3. Toolbar (Fast Access to Common Tasks)4. Flip pages
Napoleon Hill Success Manual 1.0
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Napoleon Hill Success Manual. 1. Law ofSuccess - 2. The PMA Science of Success Course - 3. Success ThroughPositive Attitude - 4. Grow Rich! With Peace of MindThe Law of Success (originally The Law of Success in 16 Lessons)is the title of Napoleon Hill’s first book. Twenty years spentinterviewing the most famous and successful men of his time,studying their habits, analyzing their methods and unlocking theirsecrets to success. First published in 1928 as an eight-bookseries, The Law of Success represents Napoleon Hill’s completephilosophy of success and mind-power method -- the original masterkey to personal achievementThe text of Think and Grow Rich is founded on Napoleon Hill'searlier work The Law of Success. Think and Grow Rich! condensesthese laws further and provides the reader with 13 clear principlesin the form of a philosophy of personal achievement.W. Clement Stone whom made $100 into millions with a strongdesire to succeed and by putting into practice the principles inthe book Think and Grow Rich. Later associated with Napoleon Hillto teach the Philosophy of Personal Achievement “Science ofSuccess" course (which is included here). Each lesson is packedwith thought-provoking, concentrated facts...written in simple,easy-to-understand language that you quickly grasp and can put towork for you...right from the very start!W. Clement Stone then teamed up with Napoleon Hill to form oneof the most remarkable partnerships of all time, the result wasSuccess Through a Positive Mental Attitude, the phenomenon thatproposed to the world that with the right attitude, anyone canachieve his or her dreams.Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind - Here, in simple, readablelanguage, are the foolproof techniques for achieving the power toearn money and to enjoy genuine inner peace. You will learn: how tosucceed in life, succeed in being yourself; how to develop your ownhealthy ego; how to win the job you want--and keep going upward;how to turn every challenge into a new success, and more.App Features:1. Day/Night mode- Day (black on white), Night (white on black)2. Change font colour3. Change font size4. Change Text padding5. Auto bookmarks the last read position6. Move to previous and next chapter7. Bookmarks last read position in each chapter and book8. Enable full screen mode from MENU9. Screen capture10. Options menu11. Clickable table of contents12. Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)EXCLUSIVE FEATURES:1. App for Phones AND Tablets2. SD Card Support3. Toolbar (Fast Access to Common Tasks)4. 100% Lifetime Money-back Guarantee!5. Flip pages
Holy Science 1.0
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The Holy Science - Sri Yukteswar andAutobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa YoganandaSwami Sri Yukteswar (1855-1936), whose westernly-known disciplewas Paramahansa Yogananda, was a teacher of Kriya Yoga, theadvanced form of raja (meditative) yoga that Paramahansa Yogananda(Autobiography of a Yogi) has made so popular in the west. Thisslender volume is nevertheless to be highly recommended to theserious student of yoga philosophy or raja practice, and especiallyto students of Kriya Yoga, for whom Sri Yukteswar's penetratinginsights will fit together important puzzle-pieces of the yogaspiritual path. (Beginners to yoga philosophy and practice would bewell advised first to read Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi",before Sri Yukteswar's "The Holy Science.")Yukteswar Giri's only book stands alone in that it wascommissioned by the great Babaji for a specific purpose.(seeAutobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda).The purpose of this book is to show as clearly as possible thatthere is an essential unity in all religions; that there is nodifference in the truths inculcated by the various faiths; thatthere is but one method by which the world, both external andinternal, has evolved; and that there is but one Goal admitted byall scriptures.Autobiography of a Yogi introduces the reader to the life ofParamahansa Yogananda and his encounters with spiritual figures ofboth the East and West.The book is an introduction to the methods of attainingGod-realization and to the spiritual thought of the East, which hadonly been available to a few in 1946. The author claims that thewriting of the book was prophesied long ago by thenineteenth-century master Lahiri Mahasaya.Considered a modern spiritual classic, the book, one of the "100Most Important Spiritual Books of the 20th Century," has beentranslated into more than twenty languages and is widely used as atext and reference work in colleges and universities.***IMPORTANT ***No ads = No use of your internet bandwith after download!Cheaper than free. "Free" actually costs more due to the ads!App Features:1. Day/Night mode- Day (black on white), Night (white on black)2. Change font colour3. Change font size4. Change Text padding5. Auto bookmarks the last read position6. Move to previous and next chapter7. Bookmarks last read position in each chapter and book8. Enable full screen mode from MENU9. Screen capture10. Options menu11. Clickable table of contents12. Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)EXCLUSIVE FEATURES:1. App for Phones AND Tablets2. SD Card Support3. Toolbar (Fast Access to Common Tasks)4. Flip pages
The SECRET Book Collection 1.0
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The Secret Book Collection. These five booksare the major inspiration for Rhonda Byrne's bestselling book andfilm The Secret (2006 film). They explain how creation and the lawof attraction, not competition ,are the hidden keys to wealthattraction!* The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace D. Wattles* Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the ThoughtWorld - William Walker Atkinson* The Secret Of The Ages - Robert Collier* Thoughts Are Things - Prentice Mulford* The Master Key System - Charles F HaanelApp Features:1. Day/Night mode - Day (black on white), Night (white onblack)2. Change font colour3. Change font size4. Change Text padding5. Auto bookmarks the last read position6. Move to previous and next chapter7. Bookmarks last read position in each chapter and book8. Enable full screen mode from MENU9. Screen capture10. Options menu11. Clickable table of contents12. Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)EXCLUSIVE FEATURES:1. App for Phones AND Tablets2. SD Card Support3. Toolbar (Fast Access to Common Tasks)4. Flip pages
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The Malleus Maleficarum - Heinrich Kramer andJames SprengerThe MALLEUS MALEFICARUM is essential for any serious student ofwitchcraft in early modern Europe. Jakob Sprenger and HeinrichKramer were two Dominican monks who wrote this `guide' towitchcraft in 1486. It served as a guide book for inquisitorsduring the Inquisition, providing information on identifyingwitches, wringing confessions from them and discussing suitablepunishment of offenders.The MALLEUS MALEFICARUM is highly recommended source materialfor anyone even remotely interested in the Witchcraft scares andtrials of the middle ages. Commissioned by the Pope himself to rootout heresy and witchcraft in Northern Germany in the 15th century,Kramer and Sprenger set out to provide comprehensive proof of theexistence of witches and advice on how to deal with them.If you enjoy studying mythology or Church History (they oftenoverlap) this is a compelling read. More than any other singleartifact, this book sheds light on what was plaguing the collectivemind of Christendom in the late middle ages. A read well worth thetime.App Features:1. Day/Night mode- Day (black on white), Night (white on black)2. Change font colour3. Change font size4. Change Text padding5. Auto bookmarks the last read position6. Move to previous and next chapter7. Bookmarks last read position in each chapter and book8. Enable full screen mode from MENU9. Screen capture10. Options menu11. Clickable table of contents12. Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)EXCLUSIVE FEATURES:1. App for Phones AND Tablets2. SD Card Support3. Toolbar (Fast Access to Common Tasks)4. Flip pages
Rudolf Steiner Selection 1.0
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Rudolf Steiner Selection1. THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN FROM THE STANDPOINT OFTHEOSOPHY2. AN OUTLINE OF OCCULT SCIENCE3. THEOSOPHY4. THE SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE5. THE WAY OF INITIATION6. INITIATION AND ITS RESULTSRudolf Steiner (Feb. 27, 1861-Mar. 30, 1925) was born in thesmall village of Kraljevec, Austria (now in Croatia) in 1861 anddied in Dornach, Switzerland in 1925. In university, heconcentrated on mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Having writtenhis thesis on philosophy, Steiner earned his doctorate and waslater drawn into literary and scholarly circles and participated inthe rich social and political life of Vienna.In 1899, Steiner's life quickly began to change. Steiner wasinvited to speak to a gathering of Theosophists. This was his firstopportunity to act on a decision to speak openly and directly ofhis spiritual perception, which had quietly matured since childhoodthrough inner development and discipline. Steiner began to speakregularly to theosophical groups. Steiner's decision to speakdirectly from his own spiritual research did not reflect any desireto become a spiritual teacher, feed curiosity, or to revive someancient wisdom. It arose from his perception of what is needed forour time.Rudolf Steiner considered it his task to survey the spiritualrealities at work within the realms of nature and throughout theuniverse. He explored the inner nature of the human soul and spiritand their potential for further development; he developed newmethods of meditation; he investigated the experiences of humansouls before birth and after death; he looked back into thespiritual history and evolution of humanity and Earth; he madedetailed studies of reincarnation and karma.These insights are the basis of Steiner's responses to the needsof today, and have inspired renewal in many areas of modern life.The Waldorf school movement originated with a school for thechildren of factory employees at the Waldorf-Astoria cigarettefactory. Today, Waldorf schools are all over the world.Steiner wanted to nurture a path of knowledge to meet today'sdeep and urgent needs. Those ideals, though imperfectly realized,may guide people to find a continuing inspiration in anthroposophyfor their lives and work. Rudolf Steiner left us the fruits ofcareful spiritual observation and perception (or, as he preferredto call it, spiritual research), a vision that is free andthoroughly conscious of the integrity of thinking and understandinginherent in natural science.App Features:1. Day/Night mode- Day (black on white), Night (white on black)2. Change font colour3. Change font size4. Change Text padding5. Auto bookmarks the last read position6. Move to previous and next chapter7. Bookmarks last read position in each chapter and book8. Enable full screen mode from MENU9. Screen capture10. Options menu11. Clickable table of contents12. Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)EXCLUSIVE FEATURES:1. App for Phones AND Tablets2. SD Card Support3. Toolbar (Fast Access to Common Tasks)4. Flip pages
Bible & Other Religions Myths 1.0
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Bible Myths And Their Parallels In OtherReligions: Being A Comparison Of The Old And New Testament MythsAndMiraclesThis book by T. W. Doane is unparalleled in its presentation ofthe evolvement of myths and legends into the sacredtexts used by numerous religions to establish their separateidentities. One learns that no faith was derived fromwhole cloth but was woven, and therefore borrowed, from culturesthat both preceded them and contemporaneouslysurrounded them. It provides a fascinating insight into thedevelopment of belief systems that have contributed tothe development of mankind and its relationship with thespiritual.It provides a lot of information in other myths and stories fromancient cultures otherwise not easy to find. Theauthor shows where parallel myths have developed betweencultures where there is no known contact and speculates,via various models, on how this might have happened. Myths arepresented from the typical Greek, Roman and Norse,through Egyptian, Semitic, Polynesian and various NativeAmerican tribal myths as well as Incan and Aztec.Well if you are a fan of mythology and biblical studies and howthe two often parallel, then clearly this is worthyour time. As a scholarly work it has merit and can stand on itsown legs.App Features:1. Day/Night mode- Day (black on white), Night (white on black)2. Change font colour3. Change font size4. Change Text padding5. Auto bookmarks the last read position6. Move to previous and next chapter7. Bookmarks last read position in each chapter and book8. Enable full screen mode from MENU9. Screen capture10. Options menu11. Clickable table of contents12. Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)EXCLUSIVE FEATURES:1. App for Phones AND Tablets2. SD Card Support3. Toolbar (Fast Access to Common Tasks)4. Flip pages
Florence Scovel Shinn Books 1.0
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These books really will change your life. Itismany times better than "The Secret" and seems to have much ofthematerial that the "Secret" experts quote. If you only buyoneself-improvement book in your life, or even one book, thisshouldbe it. It was published in 1925, but it's advice is timeless!Itshows you how you can use every moment to live peacefullyandeffortlessly and every chapter is a gem. This book contains all4of Florence Scovel Shinn's classic books in a single volume.1. The Game of Life and How to Play It - FlorenceScovelShinn2. Your Word Is Your Wand - Florence Scovel Shinn3. The Secret Door To Success - Florence Scovel Shinn4. The Power of the Spoken Word - Florence Scovel ShinnFlorence Scovel Shinn has many true, personal andinspiringstories to tell to each one of us that spans allgenerations. Herpositive and practical approach to life teaches ushow to CREATEwhat we want to get out of our lives and how to bringthat intofruition through an open mind and prayer. Ms. Shinn wascreatingthis positive self-help approach to life generations beforethephrase 'self-help' was even coined.Her words encourage, provide insight and give testimoniesofthose who have followed her lessons. The Game of Life and howtoplay it provides useful affirmations to use. The affirmations areapowerful tool, as further described in Your Word is your Wand!She makes her point and in simple language explains thebenefitsof right thinking and how to solve problems. The text isstrewnwith jewels in the form of uplifting statements andmemorableaffirmations. Amongst other topics, the laws ofprosperity,nonresistance, karma and forgiveness are presented in afresh way,with clear instructions on how to impress thesubconscious. Shecovers everything that is really important in abook that one canread in a day. Of course, I recommend regularreading of thiswonderful manual for living a life of joy.Many of her examples are derived from the Bible, and adaptedtoour personal situations.These books, you will find yourself wanting to re-read andreadagain. She gives practical no nonsense advice on how to livewith aspiritual and positive outlook.APP FEATURES:1. Day/Night mode- Day (black on white), Night (white on black)2. Change font colour3. Change font size4. Change Text padding5. Auto bookmarks the last read position6. Move to previous and next chapter7. Bookmarks last read position in each chapter and book8. Enable full screen mode from MENU9. Screen capture10. Options menu11. Clickable table of contents12. Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)EXCLUSIVE FEATURES:1. App for Phones AND Tablets2. SD Card Support3. Toolbar (Fast Access to Common Tasks)4. Flip pages